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Break - fast  
Installation 2015
Breakfast, a daily limitation

Created in 2015 during Monica's art degree practice this art installation was a macabre celebration and dressing up of a daily limitation the artist faced.


Monica Blignaut wrote at the time, "I and many other people face a daily limitation before we begin our days. Due to my depression, I take five pills every morning instead of taking breakfast. This is a limitation I face that influences me in many ways.


The table is set up with the five courses of medication I take each day. The courses follow a soup course, a fish course, a main course, a dessert and a cheese platter.


The placemats are of various cloud formations that reflect a personal symbolism of depression. Cloud formations vary in shape and thickness which reflects how I feel about having depression. Some days are fine with few clouds away in the distance and others where it is so dark and morbid that it is suffocating."


Wood as a material is the motif in Blignaut's work often reflective of the organic inner self.


She goes on to explain, "The contrast between the black and white setting and the colourful sweets reflect how my medication is my ‘happy pills’.


This is a very troublesome limitation as it means that I need the five pills to be able to function and that means that in one year I will be required to drink 1 825 tablets. In the glass jar, I have placed one year’s amount of sweets that reflect the medication I will consume in the next year. This shows how unnatural it is to drink so much medication to be in a ‘normal’ state.


The murky dark water in the glasses reflects my mental state of being. It also reflects my hesitation and resistance to drinking the medicine despite the difference it makes. I yearn for freedom and feel at moments that depression is better than being dependent on medication."


This installation was created at the height of the artist's illness it was largely taking the jar of the 1 825 pills/sweets that her medication was changed and that medical practitioners began listening to her.


It was found later that she was misdiagnosed and in actual fact had ADHD. This misdiagnosis was common for many women and many girls from the 2000s to 2010s leading to them being given the wrong treatment.


Additionally, it turned out that the artist was allergic to ingredients in the medication that compounded the side effects and anxiety she experienced. 


It allows that now in 2023 to look back at this installation to see how this truly represented a form of a last supper as each day was turmoil for the artist and reflects many patients' lives.

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